Ben Bracken
Caroliner Rainbow Shadow Walking Over Waves Somewhere
John M. Chowning
Alessandro Cortini with Don Buchla
Jacqueline Gordon
Joseph Hammer
Stephan Mathieu
?MKM (Günter Müller, Jason Kahn, Nörbert Moslang)?
Pod Blotz
Günter Müller has been playing a unique drum set with a mobile pick-up and microphone system of his own invention since 1981. The system allows hand-generated sounds on drums and percussion to be modulated electronically. Since 1998 minidiscs, since 2002 an iPod are included in his electronic set. Nowadays he often plays ipod and electronics only. Various recordings released on FOR 4 EARS, the label he founded in 1990, as well as on Erstwhile, Cut, Grob, List, Audiosphere, Amoebic, Rossbin, Creative Sources and others. /